Picture and Messaging Texts and Email

The idea is that women without an Internet connection or who aren't in a position to use it for this sort of fun can still be in touch with the men of The Walnut Walk. Some kind techy type has set it up for me, and it seems to work.

The ladies will be provided with an email address which will be the portal both ways, forwarding emails and/or texts.

You can use your email to send your message. The reply will then come from mobile phone via the net, automatically forwarded from the accounts I set up for them.

The messages will go via the Walnut Walk, but only the intended recipients will see or read them. I won't peek!

Your message can be up to 150 characters. The reply you receive will normally be around 150 characters.

You can send a photo.
Only ONE at a time.

You can receive a photo.
Only ONE at a time.

You can use your mobile phone if it can send to an email address.


You would only be charged whatever your phone company normally charges you. We would not be paid by them.

But it's not free. You can buy credits from Lily.

Verified members will soon hear about free bonus credits. Credits will also be awarded as prizes on the board for good posts, competitions and so on.

Credits will also soon be able to be used to pay for memberships, clips etc.

If you want to be involved, email lily@thewalnutwalk.com
